Monday, February 22, 2010


So trying to stray from the idea of 'sex' once the word propagate is said, this is what I came up with.

I was trying to go with the morphing idea that a seed is planted, it is babied in the earth and roots go into the ground and the flower grows, blah blah blah and yada yada yada.

"Anddddddd tree."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


And so the little duckling strayed from the brood to wander the world behind...

I figured this was easier than trying to show an artist struggling to find inspiration.
But simple symbolism can be applied here. The brood is a collection of various high school seniors...

The ones heading towards the right are off to college in cookie-cutter fashion, "Oh, I applied to a bagillion different schools and scholarships and I'm on my way to be god-knows-what..."

The lone duckling on the left represents the senior headed into the work force. This one has the mindset, "I'm not going to bury myself in debt for a degree I don't even think I'll ever use AND just start attacking my dreams that much faster..." This senior can be seen as a free-spirit or go-getter to some and an almost pathetic dreamer to others.

“Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing.”
~ Helen Keller

Monday, February 8, 2010


Remember this face... he will be famous one day.

IFri (2.5.10)--theme: figure
I had no chance whatsoever to sketch a still and interesting subject for 'muddy' this weekend so I reverted to old photos. This one caught my eye.

I was shooting pictures with Howard (FigNewton's camera) and shot this crisp image of my friend Boy that was almost god-like. Any other face was blurred out and Boy was the focus. I was up until 4:30 this morning sketching. I was on a roll and I could not stop until I could step away and recognize one of my closest friends on the paper.

explanation time!
Why call this, 'muddy'? What's the meaning?
Well, boys and girls, I have two main reasons and many itty bitty reasons that I haven't quite finalized yet.

1) "His face... look at his face..." What is he thinking? Could be love, surprise, waiting for something, or no real feeling behind it at all. Could be anything, right? His expression is muddy and you can't quite decide what he's thinking.

2) "Look around you..." The faces are barely there. Just basic outlines. It's a muddy surrounding to a crisp focus.

"I got a feelin', that tonight's gonna be a good, good night..."

Monday, February 1, 2010

Three's company.

Triptych series beginnings...

Using the element of line to display a principle of art.

1. Rhythm 2. Balance 3. Movement

Abstract is not my forte, nor is it my favorite.
But this is what happens when I'm given oak-tag, gouache and india ink.


IFri (1.29.10)
All I could think about were the rehearsals I had this weekend. Dancing for hours on a crash course (coming in several weeks late) and it was all about form, counts and positioning. This was my focus.

Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch. AGAIN!