Monday, April 26, 2010


Class prompt: 'zombie'
Artist inspiration: 'Picasso'

IF: ahead.

SO.  I heard a couple things about storms this weekend and all I could think about were hurricanes.  Ships can be ahead of the storm so I incorporated a ship being out of the way of the two storms colliding.

To reference zombies, the face is dull and the eyes are lifeless.
To reference Picasso, I figured the only way to make this remotely work would be to make a face in the form of Picasso--not really a face.

I always do realistic things so I went for a more comic book approach.

"Down the road, little girl
You may lose your way
All alone in a world 
That may seem too wide
But sit on Mama's lap
And I will draw a map
And whatever 
You need 
Mama will 
Provide "
--Mama Will Provide from'Once OnThisIsland'

Monday, April 19, 2010


Once again, a prompt--Bubbles. Edvard Munch was the artist. I didn't like Munch's style so I didn't let that influence my sketch--besides, it's not what I had in mind.

So to tie in with detective, classic Sherlock Holmes application. Bubbles coming out of the pipe like Bart Simpson would have in his pipe...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Passing on a love at first sight.

I caught her "linked" illustration on the IF site and had a mini-heart attack and wanted to fall over in my chair. Alice in Wonderland strikes again!

Monday, April 12, 2010


So we were supposed to think about forks all week and so I did.  I thought about an actual fork in the road and the prongs would be each different break in the road.  But the then IFri was posted as 'linked' so all my ideas went out the window.

Then I was doing a lot of cooking/baking over the weekend and thought of Italian food and spaghetti and meatballs.  I thought that every time that the fork swirls the spaghetti and pierces the meatball, the food and fork are linked together.  (And the entire composition was supposed to be made of forks) SOOOO I made the spaghetti hairs dinky forks.

"Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?"
--Stanislaw Lee

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Weather was once again gorgeous outside.

When I finally got around to sketching, I wondered how exactly to draw 'dip' the way I was thinking about it all weekend. Beautiful woman sticking her toe into a still pond...
I was sitting outside in shorts again. My left leg was extended so I turned my sketchbook upside down and started a contour of my leg.

--W.C. Fields