Monday, April 12, 2010


So we were supposed to think about forks all week and so I did.  I thought about an actual fork in the road and the prongs would be each different break in the road.  But the then IFri was posted as 'linked' so all my ideas went out the window.

Then I was doing a lot of cooking/baking over the weekend and thought of Italian food and spaghetti and meatballs.  I thought that every time that the fork swirls the spaghetti and pierces the meatball, the food and fork are linked together.  (And the entire composition was supposed to be made of forks) SOOOO I made the spaghetti hairs dinky forks.

"Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and fork?"
--Stanislaw Lee


  1. Someone told you to think about forks for a week? Are you a silverware engineer or something?

  2. Interesting. I hate to tell you but it looks more like somebody's scalp than a meatball. Then I saw the quote, it fits!

  3. bagalagalaga, no I wish I could say that I had such a cool title as that. Our Drawing/Painting 3 teacher wanted to bring more focus to our IF drawings. He felt we were slacking--hey, we're in high school. So he gives us a prompt and an artist to think about on Monday (ex. Forks/Escher) and ponder that all week and use it in the upcoming IF sketch (linked).

    heidialdin, I'm not offended in the least. It gave me a giggle.
